Are young people still joining religious life? Yes.

We are members of the male religious order known as the Brothers of the Christian Schools or De La Salle Christian Brothers.

Visit to find out more about what our 325-plus year old religious order is all about.

To put it simply: we are teachers living together as consecrated men.

This blog is designed to give you an inside look at what religious life is like for the "younger generation."

As Brothers under 45, we hope sharing our life will give you a sense of who we are and/or possibly serve as an invitation from God to join us in this vocation.

UPDATES: 3 NEW POSTS for Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Discernment Retreat, Mont La Salle, Napa, CA

The District of San Francisco hosted a Discernment Retreat for men interested in gathering with others in retreat for the purpose of discerning their vocation and how the life of the Brothers may be a calling for them. The retreat took place at Mont La Salle in Napa, CA from Friday, May 30 - Sunday, June 1.

By Thursday evening most of the participants had settled in. The retreat officially began with mass on Friday morning. The participants joined the Provincialate and Novitiate Brothers' Communities (already living at Mont La Salle) at 7:15 AM for liturgy, followed by breakfast. Br. George then opened the retreat that morning. The retreat was well-balanced with prayer, personal time, group sharing, and one on one time with Br. George, Director of Vocation Ministry and Br. Richard Moratto, Director of Novices. Meals and fun were provided too!

At the end of the retreat, the men participating were asked to share what they were looking for as they discerned their vocation. The responses included:
  • A way to bring others to God
  • Strong prayer life
  • Being present to students like the Brothers are
  • Unity (community) in doing the ministry
  • Devote one’s life to teaching
  • Life in the classroom
  • The support of a community with the same goal: service to the poor
  • Continue the journey from God to God for myself and accompanying those we serve in their journey
  • Ability to talk about God: young people need to be able to talk about God and shown God—the Brothers do this with young people
  • The Brothers and their schools are based on something (mission)

Morep photos from the Retreat here:

1 comment:

Spouse Walker said...

I am visiting your blog and noticed you have not posted for a year. Are you around?